
Savannah Smith

Savannah Smith


Athens, GA

Playmate of the month

May 2020

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May 2020 Playmate, Savannah Smith, proves labels are irrelevant, and you can indeed be anything you set your mind to. Coming to Playboy from Winder, Georgia, Savannah grew up in the woods, where she was homeschooled to travel with her father, a cameraman, and field producer for a hunting and fishing show. “I was such a strong-willed child,” she says of herself. “I didn’t like homeschooling at first, but in hindsight, I’m grateful for the independence it afforded me. Without the pressure of being a cookie-cutter high school kid, I was able to become the self-possessed person I am today.” It was with her father that Savannah discovered her love of modeling. “Because my dad was a cameraman, I wanted to model from an early age. Starting at about four years old, I would dress in themed outfits and give him art direction,” she laughs. “The moment I set my mind on modeling as my profession, there was no convincing me otherwise.” Now that she’s established in her career, Savannah hopes to use her platform to spark change and conversation. “There was a huge shift when Trump got elected, and the #MeToo movement took off. Everyone in the industry became empowered to use their voices,” she says. “My goal moving forward is to keep building my platform and using my resources to empower and enrich young lives. I believe the reason I’ve always felt empowered is [because] I had people who listened to me as a child.” Eager to learn more about our extraordinary Miss May 2020? Check out her pictorial, right here on Playboy Plus!


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