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Sandy Garza

Sandy Garza


Houston Texas USA


4' 11"

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Like most coeds, Sandy Garza had no idea what she wanted to be when she grew up. “I wanted to be a nurse. I found out I was scared of needles and blood, so that dream didn’t last long!” blushes Miss Garza. After trying her hand at a few things, the petite Mexican-American decided she wanted to study design and drafting technology at the Art Institute of Houston. Sandy, however, isn’t sold on her program yet and still hopes to make in the entertainment industry –and believe us when we say she would do anything to make it happen. “I would do naked Pilates and yoga at the campus gym,” confesses our voluptuous Coed of the Week for December 15, 2011. “After my naked workout, I’d invite my roommates over so we could all play hide-and-seek.” Unfortunately for us, dark-haired Sandy did land roles on television shows like Dallas and From Dusk Till Dawn without ever having to stretch before doing naked Pilates. We’re hoping we could talk her into doing a celebratory naked yoga routine.


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