
Sandra Hubby

Sandra Hubby


Norton OH USA


5' 4"

Playmate of the month

March 2004

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Get the cream of the crop with Sandra Hubby, our Miss March 2004. She has brown hair, green eyes, full lips and innate sense of calm – that must be the Cherokee Indian blood. “I’m a farm girl,” she says. “I believe in honesty, kindness and hard work.” From Norton, a small town in northern Ohio, Sandra wore jeans, not minidresses, and she learned to drive a tractor before she learned to drive a car. “I didn’t care about my looks,” she says, “I even thought about enlisting in the Marines. But I had always wanted to be a model.” In the end, Sandra got what she wanted – she represented Columbus, Ohio in the Miss Hawaiian Tropic pageant, and when she heard an ad on the radio for a Playboy casting in Cleveland, she got in the car – not on the tractor – and started driving. “I never thought I would be a Playboy Centerfold,” she says. “I had never even had a pedicure! I loved being a Playmate, I hope to be a successful model and actress.” Whether she’s posing at Studio West or tending horses on her farm, one thing is for sure – Sandra is a resounding success.


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