Playboy Muses

Natasha Ty

Natasha Ty


Los Angeles California USA


4' 11"

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Say hello to Natasha Ty, a model based in Las Vegas, Nevada. Petite and all natural, Natasha is an up-and-coming model—a longtime fan of Playboy, she wanted to join the family, and we were only too happy to have her. “I contacted my photographer, Michael, and he submitted me to Playboy Plus,” says Natasha. “I wanted to be a part of this!” When she’s not modeling, Natasha is a homebody who prefers to stay in, watching movies and trying out some healthy recipes. “I don’t go out much,” she says. “When it comes to dating, I prefer to be in a relationship, but only with a guy who treats me well. He should be intelligent, have a sense of humor and know how to please me!” The pleasure’s all ours, Natasha.


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