Playboy Muses

Lauren D'Marie

Lauren D'Marie


Boston MA USA


5' 2"

Playboy Muse of the month

March 2009

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Cybergirl Lauren D’Marie admits to being a shy person, but she sure wasn’t afraid to speak her mind and tell Playboy exactly why she should be chosen during our casting call. “I told Playboy they should choose me because I would bring a lot of diversity,” says petite Lauren. “I hadn’t really seen too many girls who looked like me in Playboy.” The Boston social work major won us over with her compelling argument, and her fans couldn’t have agreed more. After the fact, Lauren told us that if her argument wasn’t convincing enough, she had a back-up plan. “I'm unbelievably good at getting what I want. My cute little whiny voice – accompanied by the sad eyes – always does the trick,” says the brunette. Luckily, no sad eyes were necessary, as she earned her Cybergirl of the Month title in March 2009. “Being a Cybergirl gives me an amazing feeling of accomplishment and excitement,” says Lauren. “I’m very passionate about modeling. When I take my clothes off, I get in the zone and it makes me feel sexy!” Congratulations Lauren!


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