
Kimberly Holland

Kimberly Holland


Spring TX USA


5' 4"

Playmate of the month

October 2004

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Playmate Kimberly Holland is a real class act. Hailing from small-town Humble, Texas, Kimberly is pretty humble, too – despite her successes at school and in the Centerfold, she remains cool and calm, and retains her girl-next-door status, too. “I studied marketing at the University of Houston,” she says. “Before that, I had a lot of different jobs. I even did sales in a sex shop!” When Playboy came calling, it was an offer Kimberly couldn’t refuse. “I’m very independent,” she says. “My goal is to be successful, and I want to enjoy my career!” As our Miss October 2004, Kim is on the right track. These days, she’s into health, beauty and fitness, and lends her pretty face as a brand ambassador. “With Playboy, who knows what will happen,” she says. “I play it by ear!”


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