
Jovana Tubic

Jovana Tubic


Belgrade Serbia


5' 4"

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Jovana Tubic has high standards. Petite and all natural, the beautiful brunette comes to us from Belgrade, Serbia, and she’s been published in many International editions of Playboy magazine. Though on the surface she leads a glamorous lifestyle, Jovana remains grounded and wonderfully down-to-earth. “My favorite quote is by George Bernard Shaw,” she explains. “He says, ‘If you have built a castle in the air, you have not wasted time—now you must build the foundation under it.’” A very literary person, Jovana admits she could never fall in love with a man who doesn’t appreciate the classics. “Literature is one of my favorite pastimes,” she says. “I don’t like a man who doesn’t like to read!” Read between the lines, guys—Jovana Tubic is one for all the books, not just the record books.


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