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Jessica Holiday

Jessica Holiday


Los Angeles CA USA

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If you’re looking for dating advice from a gorgeous model, Jessica Holiday is here to deliver some much-needed help. “First off, no cheesy pickup lines. If a guy can come off as casual and not intrusive, that's huge,” explains the sociology major from the University of Southern California. “I also like someone who knows how to talk to me, because if the conversation flows it's very attractive. And confidence is huge.” The busty blonde from Los Angeles may give the best relationship advice to anyone who needs it, but its advice she’s learned through bad dating experiences. But, Jessica doesn’t let her past get her down—her blue eyes shine every day because she’s made it a priority to put her happiness above anyone and do whatever it is she wants. “I can find something positive in any situation,” says Miss Holiday. Nothing makes us happier than taking a hot coed and making her our Coed of the Week for April 6, 2006.


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