Playboy Muses

Heidi Wheeler

Heidi Wheeler


Las Vegas NV USA


5' 6"

Playboy Muse of the month

July 2008

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When in Las Vegas, gambling is a must, and we think that betting on Heidi Wheeler for Cybergirl of the Month for July 2008 was the safest bet ever made. Working as a bunny blackjack dealer in at the Las Vegas Playboy Club, Miss Wheeler is all too familiar with what it takes to hit the coveted Playboy jackpot. “I truly know what the Playboy lifestyle is,” says brown-haired Heidi. “As a Bunny, I really feel like part of the Playboy family. I live it five nights a week with my bunny ears and tail on.” Heidi is a Kansas native who follows her heart wherever it may take her. “I'm always seeking true happiness and peace within,” she says. “I never want to look back and say ‘I wish I would have…,’ because life is short and you only live once.” We couldn’t agree more with Heidi.


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