
Cady Cantrell

Cady Cantrell


Lanett Alabama USA


5' 6"

Playmate of the month

April 1992

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Like the Earth orbits the sun, Cady Cantrell loves to be the center of attention. Born in Alabama, the Southern belle spent her youth in Georgia, cheering for her high school football team. That early boost of confidence gave Cady the balls to try out for Playboy. “I think a lot of girls would pose for Playboy if they had the bodies for it,” she says in a low drawl. “For me, there’s a real sense of joy in not having clothes on.” Modeling herself after her idol, the similarly-Southern Julia Roberts, Cady started taking acting classes in downtown Atlanta. Before she could accept so much as a script, she was offered the chance to become a Playmate. “I’ve admired the Playmates for a long time,” explains our Miss April 1992. “It’s not a shock for me to be in the magazine for all the world to see – in fact, it’s exciting.” Sweet as pecan pie, Cady is sometimes biting as sassafras – as a Southern girl, she knows what she wants, and she isn’t afraid to get it. “Thanks to God, my parents and Playmate scout Cynthia Kaye,” says Cady breezily. “I love it! I’m the center of attention. People are running around getting things for me. It’s great.” When not the center of attention, Miss Cantrell spends her time on the beach – after her issue hit stands, she moved to Florida and soaked up as much sun, sand and love from her fans as possible. We got a taste of this thirst on the set of her Playmate pictorial – clad in little more than a pair of shoes, Cady shot outdoors with total confidence. “Shooting outside is wild,” she says. “You feel like anybody could drive up at any minute and well, there you’d be. But I’m comfortable with my body, so I wouldn’t really mind.” We don’t mind, either.


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