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Briana Timmons

Briana Timmons


Charlottesville VA USA

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The University of Virginia houses plenty of gorgeous coeds, but there is one beauty in particular who has stolen the hearts of Playboy fans—Briana Timmons. The all-natural brunette has been a constant fixture on UV’s party scene—mainly because she’s sexy coed looking for her knight in shining armor. Unfortunately, she’s had a tough time finding him—and the biology major so badly wants to put her studies into practice with her future boyfriend. “The first thing about a guy I study is his clothes and haircut so that I can get a sense of his style,” explains our Coed of the Week for June 23, 2005. “Then I check out his looks, and if that draws me in I'll talk to him and make sure he has a good personality and isn't cocky.” We doubt Miss Timmons will be single much longer.


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