
Blagovesta Bonbonova

Blagovesta Bonbonova


Yambol Bulgaria


5' 1"

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From Yambol, Bulgaria comes natural beauty Blagovesta Bonbonova. Though her name is a bit of a mouthful, we’re happy to report that she’s a handful—with glossy brown hair, brown eyes and a soft, womanly body, she’s a bold, beautiful model who’s taken Eastern Europe by storm. Featured in both German and Bulgarian editions of Playboy, she’s planning to study marketing, and hopes to someday land a job at a major agency. As far as her image goes, she definitely knows how to sell high. “I like dancing, swimming and strawberry Mojitos,” says Blagovesta. “I don’t like men who don’t know what they’re doing. If a man wants to please me, he must be able to keep up with me!”


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