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Get to know Aziza, a model and business scholar from West Covina, California. “It’s a chill, suburban, and well-cultured city,” shares Aziza of her hometown. “I love how I was surrounded by family; we all lived in the same [area]. It was very comforting and always entertaining!” Now based just south of her hometown, Aziza models and performs in burlesque shows. “I’ve been modeling for about 15 years,” she shares. “I love being in front of the camera! It’s a creative way to show who I am through the lens.” Aziza has loved everything that goes into this kind of work for as long as she can remember. “As a little girl, I have always loved fashion and art, but most importantly, seeing people embrace their creativity. Modeling has given me a platform to inspire others while feeling amazing [doing my job].” When she’s not working, Aziza prioritizes rest, travel, and getting inspired by other art forms. “Sleeping is massively important to me,” she shares with a laugh, “but some of my hobbies consist of spending time in Malibu, going to concerts, traveling, and finding inspiration in architecture and interior design.” Learn more about Aziza through her features here on Playboy Plus!


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