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Andi Dandridge

Andi Dandridge


Starkville MS USA

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Andi Dandridge is an educational psychology major who is already practicing what she’s learning in school on her friends. “I give good advice,” says our dark-haired Coed of the Week for December 20, 2007. “Most people unintentionally open up to me, and actually listen to what I have to say. There's no better feeling for me than coming up with a solution for someone else's problems.” When we met Miss Dandridge during our Girls of the SEC search, she couldn’t help but express how disappointed she is with Mississippi State University’s party scene. “The scene at my school is very dull, so I don't like to waste a good outfit for a party that will end before midnight,” pouts the all-natural African-American. “I usually travel outside the MSU area in order to kick it at a live party.” Playboy fans will be waiting for their invitation to the next party, Miss Dandridge.


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