Playboy Muses

Amina Malakona

Amina Malakona


Budapest Hungary


5' 6"

Playboy Muse of the month

July 2013

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Say szia – that’s Hungarian for ‘hello’ – to Amina Malakona, your Cybergirl of the Month for July 2013. Slim and sexy, with brown hair, brown eyes and an exotic complexion, Amina is a successful model from Budapest, Hungary. “My mother is Hungarian, and my father is African, from Chad,” she says, her accent seductive. “I’ve been a model for eight years. If a woman has a beautiful body, she should show it off.” Amina was featured on the cover of the Hungarian edition of Playboy, and when we saw it, we knew we had our Cybergirl of the Month. “This is my first time in Los Angeles,” she says. “I’m excited to see Beverly Hills, and most of all, the Hollywood Walk of Fame.” When she’s not working, Amina loves to travel and have fun. “I’ve been to most European countries as a model,” she says, “but what I would really love is to see New York City.” With a body and personality like Amina’s, it’s no surprise that she’s a success in her home country, but as Cybergirl of the Month, she’s truly on top of the world.


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