
Veronica Gamba

Veronica Gamba


Buenos Aires Argentina


5' 8"

Playmate of the month

November 1983

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Veronica Gamba enjoys sitting back and fantasizing about how she’d like her life to be. She dreams of becoming famous, getting married, having a family—and of reaching speeds reserved for Grand Prix and NASCAR. “It's not only the speed, it's the enjoyment I get out of just looking at a car,” explains the all-natural brunette. “I have very strange feelings when I look at a car I like. It's a turn-on, kind of. I'm like, awed by it. I've driven as fast as 120 miles an hour. It's like I'm going to die at any second; like I'm going to explode. I used to love to drive on the autobahn. Cars go by you like—shuuum! So far, I've gotten only one speeding ticket, and that was for doing 42 in a 30-mile zone. It wasn't even worth getting a ticket at that speed!” Clearly, our Playmate of the Month loves to push boundaries and limits. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Veronica moved to the United States with her mother and began looking into modeling and acting opportunities from the moment her plane landed. “I would like someday to win an Oscar. I'd like to be given the opportunity to read for a role that might give me that, instead of having producers say, ‘Okay, the girl has a nice body. Let's stick her in a bathing suit and put her in a hot tub with eight guys,’” declares busty Miss Gamba. “I don't want those roles.” At the moment, our Miss November 1983 has accepted small roles in Smokey and the Bandit Part lll and Ladies’ Night, but she knows she’ll make it far and who to thank when she does. “My mom is my best friend. She's always for me, whatever I want to do,” Veronica says proudly. “Anything! I can go to her and tell her anything. She gives me advice, I give her advice; that kind of relationship. I think it's nice to have a friend, not just a parent.” Our Playmate of the Month has put her backup plan in motion since finding the acting field to be much more competitive than she first imagined. Veronica blends American and Argentinian styles to create fashion designs for her line, appropriately named Veronica Gamba. The only thing missing is a man and a family of her own, but she has one flaw to fix first. “I'm a very jealous person. Stupid jealous,” says Miss Gamba. “I think it's a sickness. It's okay for me to look at other guys, but not for my boyfriend to look at other girls.” With a girl like Veronica Gamba on your arm, who would ever need to look at another girl?


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