
Stasha Lee

Stasha Lee


Belgrade Serbia


5' 1"

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Stasha Lee is a seriously busy lady. Hailing from Belgrade, Serbia, she got her start as a ballet dancer, dancing in troupes all over Eastern Europe, and ended up a Playmate in Croatia, not to mention a handful of other countries. “As a ballerina, I danced in France, Spain and Greece,” she says. “However, I wanted a life—more free time, to be able to go out with friends.” Working as a model, Stasha found her true calling. “A photographer told me that it was great to work with me, but a pity I didn’t have breasts,” she says. “It was true—I was flat as a board!” After a little enhancement, Stasha was back on the market, and more popular than ever. “I mean, why not?” she says mischievously. “They’re not too big, but they’re the best. I have to work!” Stasha debuted her new bust in the Croatian edition of Playboy, going on to appear in Serbian and Argentinian editions of the magazine. “Being in the Balkan editions of Playboy is okay, bit it is not enough,” she says. Moving to California, Stasha was suddenly in high demand, fielding castings and auditions for TV and film. You may have seen her on season 1 of VH1’s Tough Love. “Los Angeles was my choice, because I wanted a little taste of that,” she says. “Returning to Serbia, I have many new projects!” Thanks for stopping by, Stasha.


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