
Nancy Scott

Nancy Scott


Hollywood CA USA


5' 6"

Playmate of the month

March 1964

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While most doctor’s offices are filled with ill people seeking treatment as they thumb through some old magazines in the waiting area, there is one clinic on the West Coast instead that is filled with love struck men hoping to sweep the medical technician off her feet. Nancy Scott is a hazel-eyed beauty from California who’s always been fascinated by the body—as are we—and the way it works. “I love my work being of the contact with people. Most all of the patients are really swell. Children have their misgivings, but good or bad, they are always rewarded with a prize,” explains the brilliant blonde. “Up to a point, medicine is an interesting field for a girl. I've already worked for several doctors, and plan to keep moving, since working for different men is a continuing education. The one drawback is that there's little opportunity for advancement—since I have no chance of ever being a doctor. That's why I hope to go into interior decorating.” With her future in design seemingly a ways away, the naturally busty beauty from Hollywood has plenty of time on her hands to be the youthful sprite she is and since you’re only young once, she’s made it a point to do whatever comes to mind. “I like to see shows, but I think just about anything can be entertaining. I'm content to read or just putter around the house. Even sleep to me is entertainment because of the dreams! I even like to cha-cha, although I’m not much of a dancer,” giggles our Miss March 1964. “Though I'm sometimes busier than I'd like to be, I find time to enjoy paintings, men and Manhattan -- Manhattan Beach, California, that is. As a kid, my family lived in Manhattan Beach, California. I consider it home. I had lot of playmates, and a vivid imagination.” And it’s that wild and untamed imagination that’s going to be our Playmate of the Month’s ticket to a lucrative career in design and possibly finding love in the process. “I just helped my mother refinish a 300-pound, solid maple tree stump chopping block. I found it in an antique store and talked her into buying it. If I move, I don't know how I'll get it into my Volkswagen,” laughs Nancy. “My passion has always been interior decorating, and I'd also like to eventually marry and have three little ones and a quiet home away from the city.” No mere mortal could have ever designed a more perfect specimen to be our Miss March 1964, Miss Nancy Scott.


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