Playboy Muses

Meg Cyria

Meg Cyria


Johns Creek, Georgia

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Meet Meg Cyria, a model and medical professional from Johns Creek, Georgia. “What I love most about where I grew up was how beautiful and safe it was,” says Meg of her hometown. “Everyone was so pleasant and kind.” Meg’s roots influenced the woman she is today. “What makes me ‘me?’ I grew up with southern hospitality, so I’ve always been very inviting and empathetic towards people,” she shares of her personality. It’s even fueled her professional career. “My passion is mental health,” says Meg, who works as a transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy tech. “I treat people for PTSD and depression, and these people are rarely received with understanding arms.” When it comes to her modeling life, Meg has always wanted to pose for Playboy. “I first discovered Playboy when a girl at my high school did it when she turned 18,” she shares. “I knew then and there it was a goal of mine.” Meg traveled to Mexico with Cassandra Keyes for her shoot and had a blast on set. “My personal experience has been so amazing!” See the results for yourself, right here on Playboy Plus.


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