
Lena Klahr

Lena Klahr


Söhlde, Germany

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Lena Klahr is a striking woman from Brunswick, Germany. A well-known model throughout Europe, you may recognize this gorgeous brunette from her most recent spread as Miss August 2019 for Playboy Germany. When she’s not modeling, you can still find this go-getter working. “I work at Volkswagen, although I’m not a big car fan,” she tells us. “My job is the team spokesperson in production. I run around so much that I’m completely exhausted in the evening. The work is my fitness program,” she laughs. During her downtime, you can usually find the lovely, Lena traveling, eating great food, or planning out her next tattoo or Halloween costume. “I’m a big Halloween fan,” she tells us. “I love to dress up!” Want to learn more about Lena? Make sure to check out her beautiful spread as a Playmate in Playboy Germany, right here on Playboy Plus!


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