
Gail Stanton

Gail Stanton


Memphis TN USA


5' 1"

Playmate of the month

June 1978

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Memphis is a town known for its Southern hospitality and its influence in the music industry. The most notable artist to come out of the famous Tennessean city has to be the King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley. “I dated Elvis a couple of times,” admits our busty Miss June 1978. “I was surprised at how sincere he was. He was a remarkable man, a real gentleman, a model Southern man. Elvis made Memphis proud.” Gail Stanton is one of the lucky few whose belt includes a notch from the Jailhouse Rock Rock singer and actor. She, like Elvis, grew up in Memphis where Moon Pies were in full supply and the excitement level was considered low compared to the North. “The South's come a long way. Racial attitudes have changed, for one thing. Young Southerners have gone from accepting the ways of their parents to adopting a whole new way of thinking,” explains the petite brunette. “In fact, I think in some ways, the South is much better than the North. The most unfriendly people I've met in my life were Northerners.” Gail’s faith in Southern hospitality was quickly challenged when her Playmate photos were published and it wasn’t well reserved by her community. In fact, it caused her to be ostracized and she was unfairly targeted by close-minded individuals with too much time on their hands. “Folks who didn't even know us called my parents, just to tell my mother what a disgrace I was,” says our annoyed Miss June 1978 who we believe was specular as our centerfold. “My older sister and I shared an apartment then, and we'd get these obscene phone calls. Some guys were clever. They would act like they worked for a messenger service and say they had a small package for me. ‘About six inches,’ they'd say, and we'd hang up.” Some people aren’t so well-equipped to handle the sexuality and beauty that Karen brings to the table. Their inadequacy isn’t her problem though—she’s a confident computer programmer who models on the side for fun. She is leaps and bounds above her critics in the game called life. Our all-natural Playmate has said modeling will only ever be a hobby of hers and she plans on using her current modeling fame to pursue her real passion. “I love animals. I’d like to take all of them out of humane shelters and put them on a big piece of land somewhere,” says the blue-eyed member of The Memphis Humane Society. Gail Stanton is the sexiest and most outspoken ally our four-legged friends could ever ask for.


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