Playboy Muses

Brittany Leigh

Brittany Leigh


Vancouver BC Canada


5' 6"

Playboy Muse of the month

April 2010

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Welcome Brittany Leigh, a student from Vancouver, Canada, who’s finishing up her master in business administration. Brittany’s a 5’6” blonde with blue eyes, and despite those classic Playboy dimensions, she’s quite memorable. “I’m a loud person and I’m always smiling,” she says. “Which I suppose makes me more approachable. You can’t miss me.” Not that we would ever want to miss Brittany. The D-cup model will do just about anything to make it to a Playboy photo shoot on time, including driving topless after a tanning appointment. “I saw police lights behind me and I was scrambling to put on my dress,” she says. “He had pulled me over for committing a different traffic violation, but I think he knew what I was up to.” The police officer gave her a warning instead of a ticket, not to mention a bit of friendly advice. “He told me I probably don't need to keep my car that hot,” Brittany says with laugh. If only he knew the car was so hot because it belonged to Playboy’s Cybergirl of the Month.


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