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Bianca James

Bianca James


Clemson SC USA

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Clemson University comes alive during football season and no one knows that better than our blue-eyed Coed of the Week for October 14, 2004. “The party scene in the fall completely revolves around football. Tailgating is huge,” explains Bianca James, an education major from CU. Football is clearly very important to the busty blonde who considers game days to practically be national holidays. How exactly does Bianca like to celebrate a win? She likes to head to the football field with a sexy man. “I definitely have a weakness for the tall, athletic type, but speaking of football, the funniest place to hook up on campus is the tiger paw in the center of the football field,” giggles Bianca. “I spoke to an alumnus about this and he laughed at how things never change.” We bet there’s a lot of men out there who would love to be personally invited to the tiger paw by this Playboy model.


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