Playboy Muses

Barbie Ross

Barbie Ross
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“I love pushing artistic boundaries,” shares Barbie Ross, a model and artist from Vernon, British Columbia, Canada. “My sister convinced me I was an alien growing up, so I don’t know if I was conditioned to think I’m weird or I was born a little off— I always found myself going against the grain!” Totally in her own artistic lane, Barbie has always been creative. “I’m obsessed with pop culture and fashion. I would make my own clothes, shop at costume stores for clothes, and wear them all year round because it was more fun.” Barbie first discovered Playboy when she was a teen and loves the Pamela Anderson pictorials. “I always looked up to her and what she was doing,” smiles Barbie. “My personal experience with Playboy has been amazing. I went from rocking my favorite Playboy choker when I was [a teen] to now, 20 years later, posing for Playboy.” When it comes to posing nude, Barbie is all for it. “I feel liberated posing nude. I feel like one of those nude angels in a 19th-century painting, just with more spray tan and eyelashes,” she laughs. “What do I love most about my job? I love to create, and there are no rules! Art is subjective, and so technically, I am always doing it right.” Check out Barbie Ross’ galleries and videos here on Playboy Plus!


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