Playboy Muses

Amanda Quagliata

Amanda Quagliata


Houston TX USA


5' 4"

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Studying marketing at the University of Houston can get quite boring at times, so what’s hot coed Amanda Quagliata to do for fun? Pose for Playboy, of course. “I study a lot and when I do go out, I usually go downtown to clubs. Houston University is a commuter school, so there isn't too much happening on campus,” admits our Coed of the Week for December 29, 2005. “I am very adventurous and open-minded.” The brunette’s adventurous spirit has reached its all-time high thanks to Playboy. Spending her summer break as our Cybergirl of the Week for August 7, 2006, Miss Quagliata received an ego boost from adoring fans and from the quality of her pictorial. “I like that my pictures show how innocent I am –and maybe that's why others like them, too!” admits brown-eyed Miss Quagliata. Innocent, intelligent, busty and modest –what could be hotter?


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