Playboy Muses

Alicia Burley

Alicia Burley


Lowell MA USA


5' 4"

Playboy Muse of the month

June 2003

Playboy Muse of the year


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Meet Alicia Burley, our Cybergirl of the Year 2004. She’s petite – 5’4” – and all natural, with soft brown hair and eyes. A real estate agent from industrial Lowell, Massachusetts, Alicia got her start with Playboy as Cybergirl of the Week, and became Cybergirl of the Month in June 2003. "I'm the poster child for brown-eyed girls," she says, referencing Van Morrison's classic single. After she made Cybergirl of the Year in 2004, she moved to Los Angeles, where she was featured in three issues of Special Editions and an episode of the Playboy Bodcast. “When I found out I was Cybergirl of the Year, I couldn't even sleep,” she says. If you think Alicia's excitement is contagious, you're not alone - between her fiesty personality and her burning-hot body, Alicia makes a picture-perfect CGOY 2004.


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