
Alesha M. Oreskovich

Alesha M. Oreskovich


Tampa Florida USA


5' 8"

Playmate of the month

June 1993

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From the American melting pot comes Playmate Alesha Marie Oreskovich. Made up of French, German, Italian, Swedish and Yugoslavian heritage, she’s tall and slim, with close-cropped brown hair and brown eyes. Alesha was raised in Tampa, Florida, and spent her childhood at the top of her class. “I want that higher degree, because someday I plan to teach college,” she says seriously. “When I really want something, I strive for it with all my heart.” Among her long-term desires was Playmate-hood, and lucky for Alesha, a distant family friend was a talent scout for Playboy. “My dad subscribed to Playboy, and he had issues older than me,” jokes Alesha. “Americans have to get over their hang-ups with the nude human body. In Europe, it’s nothing to see women topless at the beach – after all, the human body is a beautiful thing.” Inclined to agree, we gave Alesha the stamp of approval and named her Miss June 1993. Not content to be a mere Playmate, Alesha finished her English degree and applied for a summer internship at the Playboy offices. “Eventually, I want to teach writing,” she explains. When not in front of the camera, Alesha hardly lives a model life – rather than dieting, she lets herself eat her favorite foods, like cookies, cake and ice cream, and works it all off at the gym. “Luckily, I’m part Italian, so I exercise the food off by talking with my hands,” jokes Alesha. “I even put mustard on my baked potatoes!” Alesha likes her men sweet, too – and while you’re at it, intelligent, ambitious, sensitive and honest. “Although I strongly believe in equality between the sexes, men have some attributes that women don’t,” she acknowledges. “That said, I think a man with feminine qualities, and vice versa, is attractive. With an androgynous personality, you have the best of both worlds.” Beautiful among women, popular among men and poised to take the whole world by storm – that’s our Alesha Marie Oreskovich.


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