Free Preview: Playmate of the Month December 2010 - Ashley Hobbs
"I see true beauty in nature – the blue skies, exotic flowers and perfect coral reefs," says the mellifluously mellow Ashley Hobbs. In particular, she revels in the splendor of her hometown, the beach community of Kailua, Hawaii, where the westward winds prevail and the sun sets behind the Koolau Mountains. "I can never get enough of all the colorful scenery!" Her parents moved their tight knit family from California to the island of Oahu when Ashley was just two years old. (Her mother is of Hawaiian descent.) "I was raised to keep my priorities straight and have a serious work ethic," she announces. True to her hardwiring, for the past couple of years she has worked part-time as a supervisor for a not-for-profit organization while pursuing an associate's degree in liberal arts. Lucky for us, she also found time to become Miss December. "These pictures are totally me," Ashley says, "because I love Christmas, which for me is all about food, family and presents. And this year Hef has given me the best Christmas present ever!" Though becoming a Playmate means she must temporarily relocate from her beloved Hawaii to Los Angeles – "I intend to raise my kids in a house with a white picket fence on the Hawaiian beach" – Ashley has found a new family to share her life with. "Hef and the other Playmates are so generous and sweet," she says. "They have made me feel at home. It's truly like having another set of relatives. I couldn't be more excited!"
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