Free Preview: Playmate of the Month December 1993 - Arlene Baxter
At first, I wasn't sure about posing nude. It's a pretty personal move," says Miss December. As a jet-setting professional model, Arlene Baxter -- just "Baxter" to friends, though her dad calls her Motormouth -- has been personal with cameras all over the world, draping her 5'11" frame in next to nothing for swimsuit and lingerie ads. That's what makes "the Baxter bod" renowned in modeling circles from Tokyo to Milan to Paris. But this Playmate pictorial was something new. Even Baxter hesitated before making her move. "I finally decided that if people wanted to see my body, they could just check it out. When I dropped my robe, it was like saying, 'Here it is. Take a look, enjoy it.'" <br><br> Her life has been a nonstop sprint toward the pleasures of what's next. The daughter of a Marine jet pilot, Baxter grew up as "a southern California brat" in Mission Viejo. "So my parents decided to humble me. They bought a 40-acre farm outside Seattle and pretty soon I was milking a goat, crying." She adapted quickly enough to be voted "Friendliest Girl" at Maywood Junior High in Renton, Washington, where classmates called her Birdlegs. Soon, posing nude before a mirror, "I started liking my body for the first time. I was getting a little butt, a little bit of breast." A few local modeling jobs led to a career that found Birdlegs earning up to $8000 a day. She lived in Japan, Germany, France and Italy, where a towering blonde is sure to get pinched. "Over there, it's like every man is...
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