Free Preview: Playmate of the Month May 1967 - Anne Randall
QUEEN ANNE May's Playmate, budding actress Anne Randall, hopes for a long reign in Hollywood Anne Randall is a golden girl in more ways than one. Currently pursuing an acting career in Los Angeles, she is as candid as she is comely. "I suppose there are hundreds of other girls in Hollywood trying to break into films," she says, "but we're not in competition with one another -- we're in competition with ourselves. I've been acting and loving it since I was in elementary school. When I was very young, I sang in a talent contest, and I still remember how the audience's applause sounded to me. I decided then that I'd grow up to be an actress." A native San Franciscan, Miss May was a top teen model while in high school and also appeared regularly on a Bay Area TV dance-party program. She became a drama major for three years at Fresno and San Francisco City colleges before deciding to pull up stakes. Since coming to L.A., Anne has appeared in a number of local productions and a few weeks ago finished a successful run in an original musical comedy staged in suburban Glendale. "It was my first singing role," says Miss May, "and it was great fun. Although I'm hardly an operatic soprano, my voice isn't bad. Last summer someone lent me a guitar and I immediately went out and bought a Beatles' songbook. I've been taking lessons and I can now accompany myself." But singing is secondary to our Playmate. "Oh, I've got the acting fever, all right," Anne will tell you. "I don't like to...
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