Free Preview: Playmate of the Month February 1982 - Anne-Marie Fox
Anne-Marie Fox is eager to get on with the business of being Anne-Marie Fox. Her life so far has been all preparation. Now she wants to do something. Early on in her 19 years of life, Anne-Marie was sentenced to a Catholic girls' school (though she's not Catholic). She got the full treatment: No boys ever, no unexcused tardiness to class, uniforms must be worn at all times - you know the routine. Anne-Marie not only survived, she flourished, finding direction in discipline. "The expectations," she recalls, "were for you to be totally moral, a perfectionist, hard-working . . . which aren't bad qualities. It's character building and I needed that when I was growing up. Besides, everyone was very concerned with you, so you got a lot of attention. I didn't mind the uniforms at all. I was such a free spirit I needed some restrictions in my life." <br> For a while, it looked as if Anne-Marie could get a parole: Her mother went to Germany to study and took Anne-Marie along. But it was out of the frying pan and into the strudel. <br> "I definitely went into culture shock in Germany," she declares. "The schools are extremely strict and if you don't live up to their high standards, you're an outcast. You had to excel or you weren't accepted. For fun, kids in Germany study and take music lessons. <br> Plus, all my classes were in German, naturally, so I had a bit of a handicap. I managed to pick it up pretty quickly, just by being around the other kids, but the first three months...
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